IFCJ Ratings
There are several well-known and highly respected Websites which regularly rate and evaluate charities and non-profit organizations, including the Better Business Bureau (BBB), CharityNavigator, CharityWatch, GiveWell, and many others.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) strives to meet and exceed the highest standards in nonprofit management and governance. With a goal of transparency and openness to our donors and supporters around the world, the IFCJ ratings Website is intended to provide easy access to learn more about IFCJ ratings and reviews.
Just as not all charities are equally worthy of support, not all ratings and review organizations are created equal and some ratings organizations enjoy more credibility and trustworthiness than others.
We are going to highlight some of the key ratings organizations and share many of the criteria used to evaluate charities like IFCJ.
If you are interested in learning more, please visit the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Official Website at: https://ifcj.org/ or call us at 800-486-8844.